Akik már megélték, hogy szeretteik- kel hosszú idő után újra találkozhat- nak, azok átérzik az örömöt, ami ben- nük volt azon a késő délutáni órában, mikor megérkeztünk Taojüan nemzet- közi repülőterére.
Who have survived their loved ones-You can meet again after a long time with-for those feeling the pleasure, which in-the women in the late afternoon hours, When we arrived at Taoyuan nation-Inter-American airport.
Those who survived had to szeretteik- after a long period of time comes to re-találkozhat- does, they are in tune joy that petrol was the women required a late afternoon hours, when we arrived Taojüan international inter airport.
the return of their loved ones who have had to -after a long time to meet youthey are in tune with the needs, satisfaction, which, innük was on the late afternoon hours.when we arrived taojüan nation -the international airport.