Jó nap, Kérjük, keresse meg a csatolt dokumentumot. Remélem, ez elfogadható, és legyen szíves válaszol hozzánk hamarosan. A legkorábbi válaszol lesz magasan méltányol. Köszönet & Üdvözlettel Kobza George
Good day, Please find the attached document.I hope this is acceptable, and please answer us soon.The earliest reply will be highly appreciated.Thanks & Best RegardsGeorge Kobza
Good Day, Please find the attached document. I hope this is acceptable, and please reply us soon. The earliest reply will be highly appreciated. Thanks & Regards Kobza George
good day,please find the attached document.i hope this is acceptable, please reply to us, and soon.the earliest reply will be highly appreciate.thanks & regardskobza george