Egy szót sem érttettem ab
ból, ami elhangzott, de éreztem, hogy
a gondolatok, amelyeket Isten akaratá
ból közvetíthetett, a szívekig, lelkekig
hatottak. Az a szeretet pedig, amivel
a plébános atyák, nővérek fogadtak,
szállást adtak, vendégül láttak bennün
ket, annak is köszönhető, hogy az el
múlt két évben elfog
Not a word érttettem ab-from what has been said, but I felt that the thoughts of God, akaratá-from közvetíthetett, szívekig, lelkekig impact on the level. And the love that the parish priest fathers, sisters were adopted, host accommodation, they saw bennün-also, due to the-past two years capturing

Not a word érttettem b
From what has been said, but I felt that
the thoughts of God's will
from intermediaries could, hearts, souls
affected. The love and with which
the pastor, fathers, sisters agreed,
hotels gave hosted Bennu
them, is also due to the fact that it
accept past two years,

a word érttettem ab-from what has been said, but i had the feeling thatthe thoughts of god, which akaratá-from the közvetíthetett, szívekig, lelkekigeffect. the love is tothe reverend fathers, sisters were adopted.they have accommodation, have seen it-two, also due to the fact that the-past two years, i