the rubber company, inc. was formed in 1997, dabason. main business of sale of our tyres, installation, repair. the requirements of the market to sell products from several manufacturers. we to our clients in accordance with the needs of a wide variety and size, brand have: how are you, kormoran tigar, michelin, continental, semperit, are bridgestone, year 2005, we improved our repair dabasi scope of activities, the production of a retreaded teherabroncsok was launched. michelin factory hidegfutózási technology is being applied in the country, which is unique, and the en iso 9001: 2009 quality management system operates in accordance with the requirements. the futózandó tyres, new patterns of quality, reliability and widespread mintaválasztékát the recamic and ensures the newlife brand. the domestic and kormoran (newlife) calculated from the mintázatokra (futózási dot number on the basis of 1 years), and the international mintázatokra michelin (recamic) from the calculated (futózási dot number on the basis of vállaluk) 3 years guarantee, then, if the user is intended to use the tires.also in 2005, kecskeméten opened new pneumatic tyres, of rubber, and gyorsszervizünket the m5 freeway, the dunaföldvári (auchan) at close to 10000 m2 area. cultured upscale establishment designed with easy access. workshop equipped with state-of-the-art szerelőgépekkel gumiszerelés, change the oil and gyorsszerviz with 3 dimensional futóműmérő equipment is old and look forward to future clients. set up telephelyünkön háromkefés kamionmosóban opens up the possibility of motor vehicles tísztítására, disinfection. the measurement principle of laser operating in teherműhelyben futóműmérés or exchange of futóműalkatrészek, full zsírzás, may also be used to change the a next step, we opened szerelőműhelyünket miskolcon tyre. we would like the rubber limited liability company required from the usual high standards of service and the north region in hungary, too many.we feel it is important that our customers receive rapid and quality of service, so it fills us with pride to the year 2010 we have the tyre manufacturer michelin hungaria kft - from the szakszerviz qualified certification, and the dabasi, all the kecskeméti telephelyeinkre. we require ourselves to the current fair and transparent repair work to be carried out, inter alia, that guarantees the en iso 9001: 2009 quality management system. we'll do our best to enhance the friendly atmosphere of a workshop on quality of service here, you always have a pleasant picture; and the first gépjárműveik account security.