nem gyakorlat. Természetes a má-
sok munkájának megbecsülése, és
a közbiztonsággal nincs gond.
Önkéntelenül is felmerül a kérdés:
ha ilyen fejlett a társadalom érték
rendje, mit keresnek itt a missziósok?
Megőrizni, segíteni azt, ami van, nem
hagyni, hogy elvesszen, ami érték.
A „lehajtott fejű emberek generáció
jának” (egyre többen okos telefonnal,
tablettel a kezükben közlekednek, áll
nak sorba, „kommunikálnak”) szüksé
ge van arra, hogy az idegenek észreve
tessék velük, milyen nagy szeretetből,
tiszteletből, alázatból, belső fegyelem
ből táplálkozó örökséget hagytak rájuk
az őseik, és ezt meg kell őrizniük. Nem
megy ez egyedül nekik sem, szükségük
van Isten segítségére, a kegyelem ere
jére, a Szentírás útmutatására. Amikor
„Gergő atya” prédikációja, beszélgeté
sei alatt az emberi arcokon látott meta
– (V)ilágp7Világmissziódo not practice. Natural in the Ma-much of the work of appreciation, and no problems with public safety. Involuntarily, the question arises: If the value of such an advanced society-order what you are looking for here at missziósok? Keep, help it, which is not leave it to perish, that value. "A generation of people bowed the head-a growing number of "(smart phone, Tablet in their hands, is-for line drawing, "communicate")-GE is the fact that the aliens észreve-Here you go with them, what a great love, in the U.S., he was very humble, inner discipline-left them from feeding on heritage the ancestors, and this must be kept. Not None of them go it alone, they need the help of God, the grace of ere-Jon j, are laid down in the Scriptures. When "Hollo father" preaching, conversatio-during the human faces of SEI seen meta
in the World
is not a drill. Natural sec-
lot of work estimation, and
public safety is not a problem.
Involuntarily the question arises:
if such an advanced society values
? Order, what are you doing here on a mission
to preserve assist it, which is not
allowed to be lost, which value.
the "head bowed people generations
of" (growing smartphone,
tablet plying their hands, is
does prompt "communicate") Req
ge is that the aliens observations
there you go with them, what great love,
respect , humility, inner discipline
from feeding them left a legacy
of their ancestors, and it must be kept. I do not
go it alone, they either need to
have God's help, grace ere
namely on the guidance of the Holy Scriptures. When
"Father Greg" preaching and talking
during sei human faces seen in the meta
-világp7világmisszióthis is not a drill. it is natural for thefor a lot of work, andthe public security is no problem.i couldn"t help but this begs the question:if such a developed society value-order of the missziósok, what are you doing here?to preserve, to help you, that you have...let you get lost, which is a value.the „lehajtott headed people generation-the "smart phone (more and more people.they use this tablet is in their hands,-has the line, "i need „kommunikálnak)-ge to the aliens észreve-here"s to them how great of loveout of respect, humility, internal discipline-legacy left from feeding on themtheir ancestors, and that we should not retain.they don"t need to do this alone.the help of god"s grace, the esa-at the guidance of scripture. when„gergő beszélgeté sermon, father "-the meta human faces seen in sei