Tajpejben a missziós közösséggel el- töltött utolsó reggel örök emlék ma- rad. A több nemzetből érkezett atyák- nak a miséről kiszűrődő, lelket erősítő éneke segített megszólalnom, hogy megköszönjem vendégszeretetüket.
In Taipei, the missionary community-last morning in eternal memory todayrad. Received several nation-actually, the mass. soul amp the song helped to megszólalnom Thank you for hospitality.
Taipei missionary community in El spent the last morning of eternal remembrance private rad. The nation received more atyák- has filtered out from Mass, reinforcing soul song helped me to speak to thank hospitality.
- the missionary community in taipeimy last morning today, eternal memoryrad. the nation has received more fathers --the amplifier has a mass, soulthat"s helped me to open my big mouth.thank you for the hospitality you have shown us.