Tajvanról 2012 előtt szinte semmit sem tudtam, csak annyit, hogy egy szi- get valahol a „világ végén”. Egy nyári napon azonban bizonyossá vált, hogy a fiam, Farkas Gergely oda megy misz- szióba
Before the 2012 Taiwan almost anything I could not, only that a SI-get somewhere in the "world's end". A summer day, however, ensured that My son, F1x There goes to misz-szióba
Taiwan is virtually nothing before 2012 could not, just say that a sine get somewhere in the "end of the world". One summer , however, the day it became obvious that my son, Farkas Gergely would go misz- szióba
taiwan, before 2012, almost nothingi couldn"t, i just to a si -at the end of the "get somewhere". a summerday, however, it became apparent thatmy son,gregory"s wolfthere"s misz -szióba